Writing a Powerful LinkedIn Summary

A LinkedIn membership, free or premium, is a must have for today's job seeker because head hunters are flocking to LinkedIn to recruit candidates for open positions. A significant part of the LinkedIn profile is the summary section. To get the most out of your summary don't reiterate information that is on your resume, but look for a different angle to flesh out the same background in two paragraphs. This part will take time if you aren't a wordsmith so don't be surprised or get discouraged if it takes you a couple of days to come up with compelling verbiage.
Once you have written the introductory paragraphs, choose three successes from the last ten to fifteen years of your career to showcase. Finally to round out the summary, include a closing paragraph. Let's take a look at a sample summary Linkedin you can use as a model.

Why You Need A Job Interview Coach

By Rhea Solomon

Getting a job today can be tough. Of course getting a job is a combination of various steps. You have to find it, apply for it, do the interview and then hopefully you will be hired. While the questions asked at an interview can be hard for some people a job interview coach can be very helpful at making sure you do well.

Sometimes hiring such a service can be a smart move. Sometimes you just need that extra little push to get over the edge. If that is the case then you should not hesitate in hiring one. They can be easy to find as now a days there are one or more in almost every city and town in the country. All you have to do is look.

Even if you know what is required in an interview. Even if you are actually pretty good at interviewing. It could not hurt to have a little bit of extra help. There are even certain types of services that actually specialize in specific companies or types of companies and can really help you if your job falls into their categories.

This is what you have to show them You have to express to the company that not only are you a match for what they are seeking, but that you will also be an asset. This way they will feel like the last thing they want to do is let you get away. You want them to feel as if they need to hire you because if they don't, they will be missing out on an opportunity.

In such cases the person might not be aware of some new techniques or questions employers ask. For example, today it is common for employers to do a credit check on an applicant. If the potential employee was unaware of this check they might not be prepared for questions related to such a check. Not being prepared for a line of questioning can be a drastic mistake.

There are a lot of things that happen today that did not even ten years ago in the employment scene. The health insurance situation is very different as well. In the past people sometimes got a job even if they did not need one simply so they could get the insurance. That might still happen today but not as often.

This is when people will hire such a person or service. When they have a chance at a certain job they do not want to miss. See, hunting for employment is one of those things in life that both parties want the same exact result. They both want something that they need and cannot let go. The difference is that you have to show them that you are that person.

You want to be the one applicant that blows the competition away. A job interview coach can help you do just that. So why miss out on the chance to land that job of a lifetime. Get the coach and make sure that you do not miss anything and that you are ready for everything. There is no reason to not be ready.

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