Writing a Powerful LinkedIn Summary

A LinkedIn membership, free or premium, is a must have for today's job seeker because head hunters are flocking to LinkedIn to recruit candidates for open positions. A significant part of the LinkedIn profile is the summary section. To get the most out of your summary don't reiterate information that is on your resume, but look for a different angle to flesh out the same background in two paragraphs. This part will take time if you aren't a wordsmith so don't be surprised or get discouraged if it takes you a couple of days to come up with compelling verbiage.
Once you have written the introductory paragraphs, choose three successes from the last ten to fifteen years of your career to showcase. Finally to round out the summary, include a closing paragraph. Let's take a look at a sample summary Linkedin you can use as a model.

How Work From Home Jobs In Kansas City Can Make You More Successful

By Rob Martinez

Everyone loves the idea of more independence within their profession. The thought of having freedom in your career is appealing for many reasons. Without boundaries, anything is possible. The notion of liberty is one reason I've seen work from home jobs in Kansas City grow so much. There's absolutely no lack of good reasons to work from home nowadays, but I want to highlight only a few.

You've heard lots of people talk about their jobs as being the best on earth. Everyone wants to think they have the most viable job they can have. Feelings like pride make you want to think that you do in fact have the most effective job available. But I'm willing to guess that you don't love your job that much. If you did, you most likely wouldn't be reading about working from home. There's a reason work at home jobs in Kansas City have grown so much. Folks are recognizing that it's the key to them living out their dreams.

I work with a great deal of people with work at home jobs in Kansas City, and that I'm yet to hear them complain about the tension of the schedules. Working at home is actually a freeing experience. The one person looking at your time card is you. Flexibility in your schedule can be a really liberating thing in life.

Life isn't simple, but business really is. It's about making as much money as you can. Work from home jobs in Kansas City continue to grow. This is partly because there is so much money to made in stay at home businesses.

Something I've heard over and over from other folks who have work at home jobs in Kansas City is the fact that growing exponentially overnight is really common. When you have the opportunity to take a job that has high growth potential, you'd be foolish not to take it. The chance to develop quickly is grabbed by people who want it most.

If there is anything I've learned lately, it's that building a great team is very important. Folks with work from home jobs in Kansas City who have the most success are the best at building their team. Building a great team is one of the most rewarding things in life. Creating a team is not just about business, but it's also about feeling rewarded at the end of the workday.

Financial independence is something that many strive for but rarely achieve. It's not uncommon for people to spend their entire lives striving for financial independence but never get it. One reason work from home jobs in Kansas City have grown is because it's helping individuals find financial freedom.

Having a work from home job in Kansas City has permitted me to be my own boss. I've found that being my own boss has made me a better person.

Helping people reach their goals has made me love my job. There is nothing better than helping other people become successful. Work from home jobs in Kansas City are making dreams come true. They've made my dreams come true, plus they've helped others in the same manner.

Believing in what you sell is vital to your success. If you don't love what you sell, you won't be able to grow in your career like you want to. I simply need to sell things that I believe and trust in. That's partly why I chose to go for a work from home job in Kansas City so many years ago.

Having a work from home job in Kansas City has taught me the best way to love my work. Hopefully this will inspire you to pursue what makes you happy. Finding happiness in your job is a big deal. Those who don't find happiness in their work eventually give up on their dreams. Whatever you choose to do with your life, don't ever give up on the thought of working for yourself.

Many individuals don't understand how much of a blessing entrepreneurship really is. It is the primary reason our nation is so great. I've always appreciated entrepreneurship. But ever since I started a work from home job in Kansas City, I've come to revel in it even more. Your aim should not be to work for other people the rest of your life, it should be to take control of your destiny and live a life filled with excitement and accomplishments.

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