Writing a Powerful LinkedIn Summary

A LinkedIn membership, free or premium, is a must have for today's job seeker because head hunters are flocking to LinkedIn to recruit candidates for open positions. A significant part of the LinkedIn profile is the summary section. To get the most out of your summary don't reiterate information that is on your resume, but look for a different angle to flesh out the same background in two paragraphs. This part will take time if you aren't a wordsmith so don't be surprised or get discouraged if it takes you a couple of days to come up with compelling verbiage.
Once you have written the introductory paragraphs, choose three successes from the last ten to fifteen years of your career to showcase. Finally to round out the summary, include a closing paragraph. Let's take a look at a sample summary Linkedin you can use as a model.

Professionalize Your Social Media Accounts

By Hedrick Lepsch

If there is anything out there that can damage your reputation more than anything before you meet a person, it is having an unprofessional profile on any social media account.

First-Listen! Especially when it comes to the egotistical intellectuals, they love hearing the sound of their own voice. Others may take more questions but to be seriously interested and involved will bring smart people to your side faster than anything else.

Second-Have passion for what you do. Often times, intellectual geniuses rely on the dreams of others even though they are really book smart. If you are a dreamer or a very passionate person you may have the ability to bring people together to get things done in a way these people cant.

But maybe you would more rather go into the field of business. Going into business is a great idea, because there are so many different positions available in so many different areas.

Honestly, they are searching for things as well and if you are able to give them those things than they will stick with you. One of those things may be an outlet if they need to learn how to have fun or it could be social outlet if they need to just feel important.

You may have a goofy side or wild side this is not exactly "professional". It is important to leave that off of your facebook profile. Most people don't know that people can see all of their photos even if they put the settings on private.

Be careful with all of the political statements you make, or the relationship statuses you make, or even the photos that you like. All of those things are able to be seen by companies and others. Less is more on facebook. This means that the less you have on there the less you have to worry about.

Sixth-Watch stimulating movies, read thought provoking literature, and engage in the "intellectual scene". So what is the intellectual scene? If we think about it plays, orchestras, college forums, and all of those things that the majority of the populous see as boring, will attract the finer minds in society.

So learning to love those kinds of things and take out some of activities that may be putting you in the midst of "lesser minds", may be your best idea yet.

Many administrative services managers also will have the power to hire and fire clerical employees that they work with. A property management degree will help you to know how to manage fixed personal assets, like desks, airplanes, hospital beds, and any other possession that is of value.

If you find yourself constantly being ignored or forgotten, getting louder is not always the best option, sometimes giving a well-developed and thought out response to something can get more attention.

Take everything into consideration because employers may want to see someone who is up-to-date and keeping current on their profile. Management is as important as hygiene sometimes and can be impressive when an individual shows consistency and care for what is going on around him or her.

So in order to get yourself out there in a good light you need to figure out how you want people to see you. Do you want to be the political activist that people defriend, the trendy individual who posts all the latest and greatest, or someone who consistently posts comments that make people think. All of these things can help in your social media educational experience.

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